My magical journey of poetry writing…

Manpreet Sabharwal
2 min readAug 12, 2021

As a child I’d wonder how I’d effortlessly journal my experiences on a sheet of paper and then drop it in a trashcan thereafter. I grew up to writing pages after pages yet being devastated for not being able to express enough.

That was my moment of magic. Allow me to point it down for you.

STEP 1: Exploring poetry writing.

Poetry gave meaning to my experiences in a manner to precisely express my emotions. This was step 1 to discovering my love for poetry. I’d write 5–6 lines and feel a sense of accomplishment in minutes and I knew just then that there was no turning back.

STEP 2: Reading poems.

I began reading poems of renowned authors and immediately connect to each word written in it. The game changer was a poem written by Dale Wimbrow called “The Man in the Mirror”. Reading this poem sends shivers down my spine.

Then came an angelic young poet Rohan Barad whose book “A gift to yourself’ instantly inspired me to kickstart my journey of entering the publishing world.

STEP 3: Spread your love.

There is one thing that keeps me alive and that is living in the world of creativity. Sharing my work on social media platforms and connecting with others who resonate with my work keeps me happy.

To all those who are on this journey of self-discovery I am sending warm hugs and support.

Stay tuned for poems your way and drop a note if you like my work. I’d love to connect with you on

Lots of Love ❤




Manpreet Sabharwal

My world has Poetry| Soft Music| Dance| Art. I dive deep into my mind & recreate myself ever now & then. IG: manpreet.sabharwal_